Vasta calls on Gillard to Provide Certainty under the NDRRA to BCC

In a speech before parliament this week, Ross Vasta, Federal Member for Bonner, joined the chorus of voices calling on the Prime Minister to provide assurances about what is considering to constitute “essential Public infrastructure” under the National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements.

“I join the Lord Mayor of Brisbane in urging the Federal Government to provide certainty to Brisbane City Council and the residents of Brisbane about exactly what assets will be covered by the National Diaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements.” said Mr Vasta.

The calls for certainty come as the Prime Minister has refused to clarify what will and what won’t be funded under the NDRRA scheme. The Brisbane City Council is well underway with its flood recovery work, but almost 6 weeks since floods Gillard is still refusing to provide the certainty that is so desperately required in order for the council to move forward with the reconstruction process.

“It was not long ago that the Prime Minister was in Queensland promising to do everything in her power to help rebuild Queensland. I ask the Prime Minister what has changed now she is back in Canberra.” Mr Vasta Said.

Mr Vasta has also accused the influential members of Lilley and Griffith of hiding behind bureaucracy and red table and being more concerned about Canberra that Queensland.

“I call on the Prime Minister and her cabinet to outline Brisbane’s position as well as give all Queensland councils some certainty on what will and won’t be eligible for funding as soon as possible. It is quite simple really – all she has to do is say ‘yes vital infrastructure will be funded’ and yes, water and sewerage infrastructure will fund funded’ and whether is applies to Brisbane or across the state.” Said Mr Vasta.

“Over the last 6 weeks we have all heard a lot about the need to give assistance and demonstrate compassion to the victims of this terrible nature disaster. Indeed the Prime Minister has spoken many times of this herself. I say that if the Prime Minister really wants to show some heart and some compassion, she can do it by giving certainty.” Said Mr Vasta.

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