

Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, today encouraged local government and incorporated not-for-profit organisations to apply for funding for small capital projects in the community as part of the Coalition Government’s Stronger Communities programme.

“The Abbott Government is again making local communities a priority,” Mr Vasta said.

“The Stronger Communities programme gives our local community an opportunity to apply for small capital works grants to upgrade areas across Bonner, such as men’s sheds, town halls, sporting infrastructure like turf, change rooms, canteens, and so on.”

The $45 million Stronger Communities programme, announced in this year’s Federal Budget, will from 2015-16 provide funding of $150,000 per year over two years for local community projects in each of the 150 Federal electorates.

Applications for Stronger Communities grants of $5,000 to $20,000 will be open in Bonner from 3 August to 28 September 2015.

Mt Gravatt Men’s Shed Treasurer and Grants Officer, Jim Pollock, welcomed the announcement.

“Funding for our Shed projects would go a long way to achieving our aims and helping us meet the increasing demand to satisfy the needs of the local community of retirees needing support,” Mr Pollock said.

Mr Vasta said he had established a community consultation committee that will decide which upgrades are needed and which projects in Bonner are to be funded.

“Once projects are recommended by the committee, I will write to the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, the Hon Jamie Briggs MP seeking endorsement and the release of funds for the locally-recommended projects,” Mr Vasta said.

“I encourage potential applicants to contact my office on 07 3893 3488 to discuss projects which meet the eligibility criteria and deliver the best possible outcomes for our community.”

Mr Vasta said applicants would have to match the SCP grant in cash or in-kind on at least a dollar for dollar basis. He said that applications for grant funding would be assessed against the Grant Programme Guidelines by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

“I will be holding community information sessions in Mt Gravatt and Wynnum in late August and early September—keep an eye on my website for the dates—to answer any questions people may have on the Stronger Communities programme, and to hear ideas on the best use for this funding,” Mr Vasta said.

Mr Vasta strongly encouraged applicants to read the programme guidelines and frequently asked questions available online at

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